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1.09.2016 – 1.10.2017


A lot of students live in situations of social, economic, cultural and linguistic discomfort and they show alienation towards school and society. But today, students need to develop new competencies such as entrapreneurship, social and civic skills that are essential for a future globalized society. Prevent and fight discomforts and subsequent drop-out, promoting the acquisition of life-skills. Teachers also need to develop new skills which they will need to use in their work with students in this liberal world. In our school, there were involved 160 students from grades 6-9 and 27 teachers in the project.

The following areas of the project were most successfully developed:




- Implement interactive methodologies based on the ITC use. Students created films and presentations on the project theme. Several video lessons were created, which can be used in practice.

- Support the awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity within Europe through virtual and not virtual exchanges. There were 2 Skype conferences between schools (1 overall – for all partners and 1 between 3 schools). Our students and teachers took part in 3 international meetings

- Train to respect for minorities that inside its own society are able to work together successfully. Students and teachers of our school took part in the festivals of Estonia. Within the framework of the school there were held holidays for people of different nationalities. We actively participated in the “Food Bank” campaign

- Improve students and teachers’ linguistic skills. Students and teachers attended theater performances in different languages. We organized speaker competitions and a debate tournament.

-Promote educational training aimed to contain behavioural problems in order to foster an efficient social integration by using an inclusive teaching. Students with problems in behaviour became active participants in school life.




- Provide a special training to teachers for an early splitting out of risk factors.  Teachers participated in two special programs

- Place the differences of each one at the centre of the educational processes because everyone is a nucleo of life processes. Teachers created special individual programs for different students

- Encourage teachers to take individual mobility initiatives and comparing, sharing new methodologies. Project participants from different countries communicate with each other, sharing experiences of new teaching methods.




Involve adults for a more project efficacy. The project also involved families of students and teachers

- Improve the existing relationship of collaboration

- Promote a more united society. There were held some volunteer campaigns to unite the community

For example:



-Encourage the development of projects and European policies. The project participants became the pioneers in the youth initiatives in the city. They actively write projects on the local level.


For  example:



Oktoober 2017


There were created:

digital presentations:

- Estonian territorial cultural and social reality pointing out the main tourist sights

- Flora and fauna of Estonia

- Estonian healthy lifestyle

Educational films:

Healthy food in Estonia.

My country's colours, tastes and smells


For example:


From local peculiarities to an international diet

For example:

​ website, motto, logo


There were designed:


questionnaires about strength and weakness to foster students self-evaluation;

- questionnaires to check participants and other stakeholders  satisfaction;

This helped to figure out the future direction of the project.


There were worked out the following topics:


-realization of a typical project dish that will be the summary of European tastes and knowledge;


Students and teachers prepared dishes, studied the ingredients of the products, created games on this topic. There were held teaching cooking classes of healthy food.


For example:


There was developed the direction - positive and negative behaviours to the environment; (excursions, volunteer projects, games, videos).


For example:



 We began to create a comic book on good behaviour to protect the environment.

-sport championships in each country to promote an ethical approach to it and social inclusion; Our students and teachers took part in the championship on basketball, volleyball and the national ball


Began to create:


- Book Our sporting code": a collection of videos, photos, opinions, interviews, articles and rules.

- " Atlas": a collection of good inclusive practices emerged from the three topics: health, sport and environment;

There was a flash mob, some concerts on the project, visits to the theater

© 2017 by Maleva PK. Erasmus+

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